Officer Commanding Station (OCS) On Spot For Allegedly Aiding Crime.
08/21/2023 11:55 in Local News

Kongowea police station officer commanding station(OCS)in Nyali Mombasa is on the spot for allegedly aiding crime activities in the area.

In a letter addressed to the County and Regional Commissioners authored on behalf of Kongowea  community residents by Hussein Besh states that the OCS and his deputy have been offering protection to drug peddlers,illegal betting games,and changaa brewers dens 

"When the locals report any criminal activities or give confidential information to both the OCS and her deputy the next moment you see reported offenders threatening you.You see uniformed armed police officers from Kongowea police station on routine patrols collecting money known as protection fee,"he alleged.

Story By: Peter Maseke.

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